07 November 2017

History Search Surfing n&'botTX~ pts.1

Enjoy! the ~ thru the area.today

  • within spots that used to be called .. u.s.hwy84
  • coleman county museum & city park
  • llano estacado
  • the mule
  • muleshoe pays tribute to mule
  • within spots that used to be called .. u.s.hwyih40
  • packing plant enterprises (friona)
  • vega & greenhouse tomatoes
  • cattle feeding in north plains (bovina)
  • holly sugar beets (plant)
  • amarillo medical & civic centers
  • gregg trail monument palo duro hs
  • tourist bureau
  • 'madame queen'
  • helium time column
  • squarehouse museum (the panhandle)
  • eclipse windmill (the plains)
anyways ..

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